♡Art creds♡@marshiroart
♡Name + Sign off♡Rarity 💎
♡Source♡Rarity (MLP)

♡Name + Sign off♡Lynx 🐈⬛
♡Sexuality♡Gay, Polyamorous

♡Name + Sign off♡Melody/Winnie/Iridia/ Cotton/Lily/Fleur/Bun🍥
♡Pronouns♡She/Sugar/Soft/Fluff/ Teddy/Plush/Fawn/Kit/ Paw/Bun/Mew/Fuzzy/ Mrrp
♡Gender♡Softcoric, Plushcoric, Softmilkcoric
♡Role♡Age regressor

♡Name + Sign off♡Skrunk/Skrunkly
♡Role♡Cat, Introject
♡Source♡Jinx (@bigfootjinx)

♡Name + Sign off♡Nyxian ⏳
♡Age♡Ageless, 18 presenting
♡Pronouns♡He/It/Depth/Spiral/ Dim/Unknown/REDACTED /Fog

♡Name + Sign off♡Zero 💉
♡Pronouns♡He/She/It/Death/Worm/ Bone/Decay/Grave/ Torture/Cure/Curse/Rot/ Haunt
♡Gender♡Nonbinary, Phosmorguial, Hicistonic

♡Name + Sign off♡Asteria
♡Age♡Ageless, Adult
♡Pronouns♡She/Star/Fallen/Tear/ Sob/Whisper
♡Gender♡Female (?)
♡Sexuality♡Unlabeled, Demisexual
♡Relationship♡Taken (/qp)

♡Name + Sign off♡Calypso 🎲
♡Pronouns♡It/Puzzle/Fog/Crimson/ Shx/Hx/Strangle
♡Role♡Protector, Avenger
♡Relationship♡Taken (/qp)

♡Name + Sign off♡Atlas
♡Age♡??? Adult
♡Gender♡Masc/androgynous, looking for xenogenders
♡Role♡Fragment (maybe)

♡Art creds♡@rainboopz
♡Name + Sign off♡Fran 💊
♡Sexuality♡???, Asexual
♡Role♡Introject, Trauma holder
♡Source♡Fran Bow Dagenhart (Fran Bow)

♡Name + Sign off♡Palontras 🫧
♡Role♡Introject, Caretaker
♡Source♡Palontras (Fran Bow)

♡Name + Sign off♡Sugar
♡Source♡Oh Chanwoo (BJ Alex)

♡Name + Sign off♡Lagoona/Aqua 🌊
♡Pronouns♡She/Jewel/Sea/Shine/ Glisten/Bubble

♡Name + Sign off♡Xenia 🛹
♡Sexuality♡Bisexual, Polyamorous

♡Name + Sign off♡Wisp 🌻
♡Sexuality♡Unlabeled, Asexual
♡Role♡Introject, Trauma holder, Symptom holder, Age regressor
♡Source♡Denki Kaminari (BNHA)
♡Other/important♡Completely mute (can type but sometimes prefers not to), not very connected to source, don't relate them to their source unless you're a sourcemate

♡Art creds♡@larahhhhhhish
♡Name + Sign off♡Velvet 💟
♡Pronouns♡She/It/Love/Horror/Gore /Orchid
♡Source♡Yuri (DDLC)